RenoPro Inc. was founded by a team of dedicated Hilton Head residents who believe in delivering contracting services with professionalism and punctuality.

With over 60 years of combined experience in both residential and commercial construction, RenoPro places customer satisfaction at the forefront of every project. We focus on building lasting relationships, not just completing one-off jobs, and our commitment to excellence shows in every detail. Our licensed, certified, and insured team is passionate about the work we do, and our numerous industry awards reflect that dedication. Simply put, we're not aiming to be the biggest—just the best.


Here’s what our customers are saying:


SC Licensed Residential Home Builder
SC Licensed General Contractor Residential and Commercial
Member Hilton Head HBA
Certified EPA Renovator Lead Safety


Award Excellence in Installation Lowe’s Installer 2011 Bronze
Best Exterior Lighthouse Award 2023
Best Exterior Lighthouse Award 2009
Award Excellence in Installation Lowe’s Installer 2008 Bronze
Best Bath Lighthouse Award 2009
Best Feature Lighthouse Award 2009
Best Kitchen Remodel Lighthouse Award 2009
Best Overall Lighthouse Award 2009